Friday, October 23, 2020

A Timely Word


[Photo man sharing from the Bible]

A man finds joy in giving an apt reply—
and how good is a timely word!
—Proverbs 15:23

Sharing a timely word offers a person one of the very best things that one can do. Sometimes the timely word consists of encouragement. Almost everyone responds positively to hearing someone else share with them some encouraging words. In the midst of a very discouraging day, hearing words of encouragement can lift a person out of despair and open the door that leads to hope.

In the Bible, one of the Apostle Paul’s companions on his missionary journeys was called Barnabus. That was not his given hame. Rather, it was a nickname that others gave to him because he was always saying something that lifted the spirits of those to whom he spoke. Barnabus means “Son of Encouragement.” How wonderful it would be if someone gave you or me that name. It would be truly significant to have someone call us by a name that acknowledged the fact that, when we spoke, we brought encouragement to others.

Sometimes, a timely word brings warning or admonition. Often, people don’t like to hear words of warning or admonition. I once had the privilege of attending a church where the pastor definitely had the spiritual gift of prophecy—not the ability to foretell the future, but the strong gift from God of declaring the truth of God’s written Word with Holy Spirit amplified power.

I looked forward each week to hearing the message that God had laid on this dear servant’s heart. But, I was definitely in the minority. Most other people in this congregation came to dislike, even despise, this pastor. Why? Because the words he spoke in his sermon each week had such great convicting power. You could not listen to one of his sermons without sensing the Holy Spirit pushing you to respond by making a change in the way you chose to live your life. Many people did not like that feeling.

Whether we give words of encouragement or words of admonition and warning, we do well when we allow God to nudge us to speak a timely word to the people God brings across the pathway of our lives. We can become obedient instruments of God’s mercy, grace, and abiding love whenever we speak timely words to others.

As we begin another new day, let’s determine to allow God to use us to speak timely words to others. Our own souls will become enriched if we allow God to use us in this way.


Copyright © 2020 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.