Friday, July 12, 2019

Guarding Our Pathway


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“The Lord will watch over your coming
and going both now and forevermore.”
—Psalm 121:8

I am one of the few people I know who appreciates, even applauds, the implementation of airport security. During my active work life, I traveled extensively throughout the United States. In fact, as I’ve reported on this blog previously, I amassed nearly two million miles on Delta Airlines.

I recognize that airport security poses an annoyance to most people. And, I also realize that many security experts believe that our airport security does little more than provide window dressing. I understand the points they make. In fact, I agree that it would be even better if we employed the same kind of tactics that Israel provides at its airports.

Nevertheless, I like to feel safe. I was comforted during the last years of my career that someone was guarding my safety as I traveled by air.

During my years at Houghton College (1965 through 1968) I worked at several jobs. One of them was as a nightwatchman. Although the principal purpose of nightwatch is to provide fire patrols through unoccupied buildings, we also took hourly walks through the dormitories, punching our regularly located key stations using a Detex watchclock. I often wondered, as I lumbered through the dorms, if the noise my heavy leather work shoes made on the squeaky wooden floors was annoying to residents trying to sleep.

One of my classmates cornered me after class one day and asked if it was true that I was one of the nightwatchmen. I admitted that I was. She told me how comforting it was to hear the steps of the mightwatchman coming down the hall. She said the presence of someone guarding the occupants while they slept offered a genuine sense of well-being.

I’m fairly certain that this same kind of a sense of security is what the Psalmist had in mind when he wrote these words found in Psalm 121:8:

The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

God watches over us. He guards our pathway. He takes note of where we go and when we return. We should find that reality comforting, as we go about our daily tasks.

As this new day begins, let’s rest comfortably and securely in the fact that God’s love extends to us in many ways. His watchful care over us is simply one of those ways He shows us His great love for us.


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