Almighty God, to whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
—Book of Common Prayer 1662 (translation)
What does it mean that to God “all hearts be open?” And, what impact does the reality of this truth have on our daily walk of obedience with our Great King?
In creating this acknowledgement, the editors of the Book of Common Prayer displayed an understanding that all human beings are known by their Creator. The One who formed each one in the womb of his or her mother most certainly stands in a state of intimate knowledge with regard to each one of His human creatures.
We are made in His image. Thus, we bear the Imago Dei—the Image of God. Therefore, God understands us as no other can or will.
We, as His human creatures, stand in a state of being as “Known By God.” We are known by Him. No aspect of our being remains a mystery to Him.
Just as Jesus acknowledged, in Mark 12:28-31, that we must love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, so God knows each of our modalities with a surety and thoroughness of divine knowledge. He knows our emotional being, our intellectual being, our spiritual being, and our physical being. He knows us deeply and thoroughly.
Should this frighten us? By no means. We should draw great comfort from the fact that the very God of the universe knows each of us. “God knows me! He really knows me!” You may speak these words with certainty.
Because God knows each one of us, we can rest in the welcoming arms that He holds open to us. No matter what our circumstances at any moment in time, we are not alone. Instead, we are known. We are known by God. And, in that great day when we pass from this life to eternal life in His Presence, we will also know with the same surety.
1 Corinthians 13:12 explains that in that day “...we shall know even as we are known...”
So, when you begin each new day as a follower of God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, be assured that the Holy Spirit, who comes along side you to lead you and guide you through every moment, has an intimate knowledge of who you really are.
Put your trust in the reality of this truth and you will come to rest in the fact: “The One who know you best, loves you the most!”

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