Friday, November 16, 2018

Praying for Those We Love


[Photo of the Apostle Paul in prayer]

“I [Paul] thank God, whom I serve, as my
forefathers did, with a clear conscience,
as night and day I constantly remember
you [Timothy] in my prayers.”
—2 Timothy 1:3

Prayer is a fundamental, cohesive, and powerful component of our relationship with God. Almost anything we intend to do for the Kingdom of God must begin with sincere, earnest, and fervent prayer.

In our relationships with the people in our lives whom we love, nothing is as important as our taking time to pray for these dear ones. We show the sincerity and depth of our love for them when we purposefully pray for these special people in our lives.

The Apostle Paul wrote these words to the young man he called his “son in the faith.” Timothy was someone very special to Paul. Notice what Paul declares, as found in 2 Timothy 1:3:

I [Paul] thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you [Timothy] in my prayers.

This is a prayer that we all can pray each day for those who matter greatly in our lives. We can pray for our spouses, our children, our extended family members, our close friends, our fellow believers in our churches, and anyone else whom God graciously brings to our minds. Prayer represents the most powerful force we have at our disposal. It truly is a fundamental, cohesive, and powerful component of our relationship with God.

This day, let’s commit ourselves to become people of prayer. Let’s begin, right now, by praying for someone for whom we feel moved by God to pray. And, let’s not stop there. Let’s keep on praying for each one God brings to our minds.


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