Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A State of Being


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

But just as he who called you is holy,
so be holy in all you do; for it is
written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
—1 Peter 1:15-16

Whether we realize it or not, every moment of every day we exist in a state of being. We are present both within our own minds and also within the physical world in which we live. What we often don’t consider is that we also exist in the spiritual world, as well.

Sometimes, for a moment or two, we may also live in the past. Something triggers a memory. Perhaps it’s the scent of a particular perfume or cologne. Maybe it’s a song on the radio. It could be a particular taste, or the sound of someone’s voice. Suddenly we’re transported back in time to savor some experience in our past.

Of course, not all memories are pleasant ones. A major aspect of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the extremely violent and unpleasant memories that can be triggered at almost any moment. This trip back in time lands the person in the middle of some horrible situation that took place long ago. He or she can remember all the input from the five senses and can even be tricked by his or her mind into believing that he or she is back in that terrible situation.

As I suggested earlier, most of us recognize our state of being in the physical world and in the confines of our own mind. But, we often don’t understand or even perceive our existence in the spiritual world.

As believers in the life-transforming power of Jesus, we belong to God through Christ. Our foundational spiritual world is fully anchored in Jesus for all eternity. That’s where we are truly and eternally present. And, because we belong in this godly spiritual world, part of our quest in this life is to allow the Holy Spirit to move us toward holiness.

To some Christians, that may sound confusing, or even scary. They may think of holiness as living in some kind of monastic setting with little to do all day but read the Bible and pray.

But, in the spiritual world to which we belong, we are actually warriors and ambassadors in this world—representing our Great King Jesus. We battle against sin in our own lives and we represent His Majesty wherever we go.

In light of this spiritual state of being, is it any wonder that the Apostle Peter wrote these precious words to the early church, as found in 1 Peter 1:15-16:

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

As we begin another day of life, let’s keep in mind that we are present in this physical world, in the innermost sanctum of our minds, and also in the eternal, spiritual world. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to nudges us, in that gentle way of His, toward holiness.

It will not be nearly as painful as we might think, if we accept the need to bend our selfish human will to His divine will. And, it will reap great rewards both now and in eternity.


Copyright © 2017 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.