Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanks That Endures
for Love That Endures


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever.”
—Psalm 136:26

Have you ever had someone who spoke to you expressing thanks, but later seemed to turn against you? Most of us have probably encountered people that we had a good feeling about initially. Then, later on in the relationship, we began to see signs that the person to whom we had given our trust no longer seemed to value the relationship they had once had with us. That’s a rather painful, but all-too-common occurrence, as we walk the road of life.

We hope against hope that we have never treated someone else that way. If we have, we ought to ask for forgiveness. Living a life of consistency has great value, especially for those who follow Christ. The foundation of such consistency begins with our relationship to God.

The Psalmist takes note of this all throughout Psalm 136. In particular, please take note of these words from Psalm 136:26:

Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.

The consistency of God’s love for us should move us to give thanks. God has acted toward us long before we had any idea that He had done so. However, once we become aware of His love—once we experience how consistently He loves us—our natural response is thanksgiving.

As we begin this day, let us thank God for His love and care. Let us praise Him for the consistency of His attention to the relationship He has called us to become a part of with Him.

Surely, our thanksgiving will please this One who loves us so much.


Copyright © 2016 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.