Friday, July 10, 2015

Yes! We Trust in the Lord


[Photo of a coin]

“Trust in the Lord forever…”
—Isaiah 26:4a

In this post-modern, post-Christian culture, a fight seems brewing over whether the public square should contain any reference whatsoever to God, or especially to Christianity. People today either don’t know or don’t care that Judeo/Christian ethics were woven into the very warp and woof of the new republic by its founders.

Of course, some claim the founders weren’t really Christian, but were Deists. They believed in God, but not the triune God of the Bible: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They believed that while God may well have created all things, He put the world in motion, but then has had little to do with it since.

A careful reading of the founding documents renders this argument both foolish and an affront to the historical documents that are readily available to us. It’s just more convenient for some people in our day to pretend that God has nothing to do with us. “We’re on our own,” they say. “We owe allegiance to no one, especially not to a God who supposedly created us and sustains us.”

In sharp contrast, those who believe in the life-transforming power of the Son of God dispute this ridiculousness. But, we must realize we are in an ever-shrinking minority. That’s why it is so important for us to have a solid understanding of who we are and whose we are. We belong to God. He chose us, before the foundation of the earth, to belong to Him.

Fighting errant notions is not new. The Prophet Isaiah had plenty of foolish notions to deal with in his day. He addresses one of them in Isaiah 26:4:

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.

It is not enough to pretend that God has nothing to do with our “here and now.” Some in our culture can pretend all they want. That doesn’t change the very present reality that God is the Creator/Sustainer. He is the one who makes all things move in perfect harmony.

Worried about climate change? Don’t be. God is the only One who controls our climate. Concerned about pandemics? Take precautions as any normally intelligent person would. But, don’t lose sight of the fact that God controls every moment of our lives. If He wishes to preserve us from death by a dread disease, He will do so. If He wants to call us home to heaven, He will do so.

Part of learning to trust God involves our surrendering our concern about the things in life we cannot control. Yielding our will to God requires us to let go and fall back into His loving arms. Whatever He wills for us, that needs to be fine with us.

He sent us the Holy Spirit to dwell within every person who believes through the power of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will help us in our weakness and give us the confidence to all ourselves to trust in God.

We can declare with our lives each day that we are people who trust in God. Yes! In God we trust! Indeed!


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